Fitness: Mom & Baby
The exercises are a combination of various elements based on Pilates and adapted to new mothers in accordance with their physical condition. For this especially designed program, expert experience advises that babies be at least four months old.
Mom & Baby Workout
Mom & Baby Workout is a fun and relaxing form of exercise for the entire body and for every body. It does not matter if you are a beginner, recreational athlete or a professional athlete, Mom & Baby Workout is appropriate for you and it can be performed by anyone.
For women who have just given birth the term exercise can seem like mission impossible. Not even superheroes in movies can manage to accomplish in a day all that a mother does. And how then to fit exercise and getting back in shape after childbirth into the equation?
Keeping in mind that mothers do not have time that they can dedicate only to themselves, E-motion studio has designed a recreational program adapted to mom and babies! This way, moms can have a healthy and safe way to get back into shape after pregnancy, to regenerate their body and min with exercises that relieve stress, bring themselves into a state of psychophysical balance, and at the same time spend precious time with their little ones.
Babies can be actively included in the exercise where mothers perform the exercises with the babies, and when they do not feel like it, they can play alongside their mothers and observe their mothers’ movements which children often enjoy imitating. Exercise transfers releases positive energy and this joint activity will bring out smiles on the faces of the little ones and it will give mothers back control over their bodies.
Come to E-motion studio together with your Little ones and we will show you that you are supermoms who can exercise and take care of their children at the same time!

60 minutes, twice a week
Exercise gear
Comfortable exercise clothing and footwear.
Physical benefit
Mom & Baby Workout is the ideal recreation for women who are looking for a program that relaxes the body and mind whilst developing abdominal strength, flexibility, and increasing the range of motion. A gentle approach contributes to shaping lean feminine muscles. Regular exercise brings about correct posture and correct movement will alleviate painful areas in your body and decrease pressure on areas such as joints and the back.
What our clients say about us!
I have trained many things and I have tried all kinds of stuff, from competitive sports and tournaments through dance groups and all the way to recreational jumping around a fitness room and using various equipment. However, at one point U became lazy and it was no longer fun to be part of a group and certainly not in a fitness gym. Then I met Ana. I had an aversion to the pole and a bit of a smirk too. That is not to say that I am a pole gymnast today, I am still not a close terms with it, but the way that Ana works, the way that I work out with her, the way I feel during the workout and afterwards is very special for my body. The darkness, the loud music, the dance and the emotion. All women need to try it for themselves. Ana, kudos! Thank you!

I am one of those people who lives the saying – it is never too late! At the age of 44 I entered an unknown adventure – I started to work out with Ana. I had no idea what was in store for me. Back then, I was a successful, famous woman, married, with a daughter, a dynamic job, tons of friends and acquaintances…and yet something was missing because deep inside I was insecure, frustrated at an age that brings change to both the body and the soul. Today I know that the adventure I embarked on is great, beautiful, unique, irreplaceable…

Music has always played a huge role in my life. Sometimes it feels like I could not live without it. A few years ago, I discovered dancing. And I do not mean dancing in a nightclub but rather dancing when your emotions move the limits of your body, when your favorite songs achieves a new dimension, when you discover within yourself feelings that you did not know existed and you slowly begin to get to know your alter ego. One word – freedom. Ana Kuhanec Brašnović with her method Ana’s Sensual Fitness is responsible for this and I have fallen in love with it to the point that I cannot wait for my next class.

I was bought with the first exercise of Ana’s Sensual Fitness, and when I saw that we would be using the pole I was floored! It is more interesting than any other kind of fitness and it also shapes my body, makes me flexible and raises my self-confidence and makes me more aware of my sensual and erotic nature. It is a merging of fun, hard work and indescribable pleasure!

I love Ana’s Sensual Fitness and ever since I discovered this method of exercise I feel more energetic, I wake up feeling more beautiful and I sleep better. It makes me more self-confident and it awakens my sensuality. It shapes my body and gets me back in shape in the most fun way possible. It is genius!

Ana’s Sensual Fitness is the only form of recreation that has held my interest for long period of time. With each practice I move one step further and enter a new dimension and overcome new challenges.